Monday, August 16

Not dead.
No pc. Which is quite liberating following the initial shock. Been reacquanting myself with the other square box in the house. Watched a kids show yesterday morning where ex Blue Peter presenter Peter Duncan (is he the one who made porno movies on a trampoline? he certainly liked getting his kit off - check out that link) dragged his wife and three kids round Central Asia and China. Three days into their 'holiday' you could tell that they really really wanted to be staying in a five star hotel at Disney World. And then they got their bags stolen! Poor dears.
Watched Cold Mountain on saturday night. It looked great and the script was lovely. The whole experience was a bit grim though (it's no Legally Blonde). Then we watched Shaun Of The Dead which was an hour too long and was basically an extra-long episode of Spaced. Darren really fancies Simon Pegg.

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