Saturday, February 5

Crap sleep last night due to indigestion and roaring 3am thirst. We had a lovely evening before bed though. Watched telly and new Nic Cage movie 'National Treasure' (fluff but still fun). Ate a very large pizza and drank too much tinto de verano ('summer wine' - an Andalucian specialty). Considered throwing up at 3am (it's called 'de-cluttering' these days) but couldn't be bothered. Only porridge and bananas for me today.

Following on from BW's post yesterday about how do you know when you're getting old, well, I've turned into my Mum as I've started sorting and packing stuff for a holiday which is still a week away. When my parents go on holiday my Mum gets the huge suitcase out a few weeks before they go and it sits on their bedroom floor being slowly filled with freshly ironed clothes and other junk (like that heating element thing for making "a decent cup of tea").
At this rate I'll be re-icing shop bought cakes and trying to pass them off as 'home baked' before the end of the year.

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