Thursday, January 27

Noon Thursday. Cups of coffee, bowls of porridge and cigarettes so far - 1 of each. Number of miles added to Virgin flyers club following complaint about entertainment on December flight from Orlando - 10,000 (result!). Bowel movements - 1. Craving tuna steak with lemon dressing at the moment. Wine and cheese with Ministers at 1pm (digs round in messy drawers for suitable tie).

9pm. Foul evening. Halfway home at 6pm then remembered forgot something at work so had to go back. Then got drenched in icy rain. Had hot bath then took dog out. Got drenched again. Dinner of tomato soup and a weight watchers mousse cheered me up a little. BF oop north at Granny's funeral and not back till Monday. I'm not good at being alone. I know I have the dog but even he seems to zone out when I start talking to him. Bowel movements so far today - 2. Cigarettes - 4 (none left now). I'm going to bed soon with a DVD - Women On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown.

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