Spent the rest of the evening eating Hagen Dazs and watching DVD's. The Magic Roundabout was so disappointing. I knew the reviews had been bad but I still expected a few redeeming moments. None. Not a jot. Some movies are aimed at five year olds but work hard at keeping Mum and Dad on the sofa too (Pixar, most Disney etc) but this horror film simply expected the kids to be plonked in front of it while the parents/babysitter/big brother and his boyfriend went upstairs for a ninety minute sweaty sesh. Luckily, once it was over, my lovely memories of the original anarchic TV show were still intact.
French animated film Belleville Rendevous was brilliant! (check out that website, it's one of the best I've ever seen) Remember the scratchy type animation that Frank Thomas did for Disney in 101 Dalmations and The Aristocats? Well this film used that style and mixed it up with 2D and 3D scenery which made it look fantastic. The story is subtle and simple; young boy lives with crippled granny then becomes French cycling hero then get kidnapped by mafia and sent to a BIG city and is rescued by Granny and her dog and a trio of 1930's chanteuses. Tres bon film!.

The Last Castle is a prison movie not unlike The Green Mile or Shawshank in that it dealt with the power of the human spirit. This one is set in a military prison (porno potential ahoy!) and featured James Gandolfini as the 'bad' warden and 110 year old Robert Redford as the 'good' prisoner. Not a single shower scene meant that I thought it was a mediocre film. Best bit was discovering real-life bad boy and ex prison inmate turned actor Brian Goodman. He even got to lie on top of naked Keifer Sutherland in 24!