Tuesday, September 28

There's a marvelous debate going on at BW today about moaning. Actually it's not about moaning, it's about stuff that annoys folk. I'm no different from anyone else in that I get annoyed by certain aspects of 21st century living. But I'm a big believer in letting someone know that they are annoying me. Why, only this morning, as I drove my scooter to work, I pulled up level to a bendy-bus driver and called him, and his mother, ugly, fat, pig-fuckers because he was not keeping his bus in the bus lane. This outburst made me feel better and let him know that his actions were annoying someone. When something annoys us the English way seems to be to put on a sucked-lemon-face and tut and walk away and then have a moan to a friend/colleague/family member (who will, of course, back you up and make supporting "ooh I know, I hate that too" sounds). And I know what you're thinking - "but what if I get a smack if I moan at someone?". Tough. These are the breaks. In my experience the person whom you approach about their behaviour is usually so shocked that the worst thing that will happen is you get a swift "fuck off". To which you should reply calmly "sticks and stones..." and walk off in a superior manner. They will remember this altercation and correct their behaviour. Eventually. Luckily, not much annoys me (unlike Darren who always wants to do a Johnny Wilkinson kick to any crying babies within his earshot and then put a loaded gun in the mouth of the mother as punishment for bringing the little ones out of the house and forcing us all to hear them).

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